Making a game to play with others-A bit how I got here- BTW Making Games is hard

Hello my crazy Goblins. This being my first Dev Log. Not sure what to say honestly. 

Well first off I am a solo Unreal dev that just wants to make a fun and silly game that  I would enjoy playing with others. Truth be told I have made this game to play with friends. So basically made it for them. Hope they enjoy it as well as you other Goblins out there. As we played other games that limited team size or even total number of players it splits the group up.  We looked for other games most have a limit of 4 to 5 people(without mods). I got tired of it. From a design stand point I get but I said "NO I want all the Goblins to play" . That is why Loot Goblins has a really large player limit which I doubt most pc would handle to max number of players but hey it is there. I did that as not to leave any Goblin out.

With all that said I did have some challenges with learning to code when I am more of a Level designer and 3d artist. Tell you in a short time I can have a map whipped out and done. You can triple that time when I try coding. Learned a lot and had some helpful people along the way.  A lot of nights while my group is playing games I was puzzled why the game would not say keep score or respawn the character after being eliminated while I was in the Discord VC showing my struggles along the way. It sounded like I was playing a game and yelling at it (well not really yell). Then the problem was a lot of times very simple one right in front of me saying pick me. After hours and hours it is one silly check box. AHHH why.. Btw thank you other Unreal Devs on discord server out there.  It makes you want to pull your hair out. Is this game perfect No.. heck no. Does it work Yes. Right now I am working on the final little over looked things to make a great solid game for everyone to enjoy and play. There is no story just loot and beat up the other goblins.

 When I started this project I was working on a vast RPG game with a great story(still is). This grand big game to show everyone look what I have made and what I can do. Still a very cool game that I will finish one day. Things change because all it took was a shorts video of Thor (Ex-Blizzard guy) saying "This is  how to start making games" Make a Stupid Silly game". A simple game nothing fancy... then make another one." At that moment something clicked. Loot Goblins was born

Hope yall got your hiking boots on this journey is not ending here

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